Best Books help you Form Good Habits

All Time Best Books
6 min readFeb 9, 2021


1. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

It is a wonderful book. Talks to the reader about the importance of identifying their habits in day to day life. The author tells us how big companies follow our patterns and use it to their advantage by putting in front of us something that we might be needing soon. Essentially they start to predict our needs by following our habits.

Just by looking at the table of contents of the book, pasted below, you can get a general idea of what the book is about.


1. The Habit Loop — How Habits Work

2. The Craving Brain — How to Create New Habits

3. The Golden Rule of Habit Change — Why Transformation Occurs


4. Keystone Habits, or The Ballad of Paul O’Neill — Which Habits Matter Most

5. Starbucks and the Habit of Success — When Willpower Becomes Automatic

6. The Power of a Crisis — How Leaders Create Habits Through Accident and Design

7. How Target Knows What You Want Before You Do — When Companies Predict (and manipulate) Habits


8. Saddleback Church and the Montgomery Bus Boycott — How Movements Happen

9. The Neurology of Free Will — Are We Responsible for Our Habits?

2. The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM

One sentence summary of “Miracle morning — the 6 habits that will transform your life before 8am”: “Miracle Morning” is a method created by Hal Elrod with the goal of improving every aspect of life; it consists of getting up early every morning, in order to follow a daily routine based on six personal development activities.

Chapter 1: Wake up to your full potential

Chapter 2: The miracle morning origin: born out of desperation

Chapter 3: The 95% reality check

Chapter 4: Why did YOU wake up this morning?

Stop hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock

Chapter 5: The 5-step snooze proof wake up strategy

Chapter 6: The life SAVERS

Six practices guaranteed to save you from a life of unfulfilled potential

3. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

“Deep Work — Professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit. These efforts create new value, improve your skill, and are hard to replicate.”

If you’re at all into productivity-hacking, self-improvement, or in general maximizing your life, you’ve probably heard of “deep work”, a term popularized by Cal Newport in his book Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.

It was the natural book to kick off my goal to dive deeply into my work, hobbies, and life

4. The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires: How to Achieve Financial Independence Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible

The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires Summary provides a free book summary, key takeaways, review, quotes and author biography of Brian Tracy’s book. In his book The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires,Brian Tracy writes his recent list of success precepts.

He presents these principles in brief, clear sections. He also adds some action steps to every principle. Though Tracy does oversimplify and overstate, we recommend this book heartily. Any professional who believes his/her career can use some energy and focus, this’s a great read.


5. The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life

Seeing the title of the book, few might be feeling the book will contain a set of rules or tactics which you can practice or teach yourself to wake up at 5 AM. But it’s not TRUE.

To wake up early, we need to sleep early. Keep yourself away from devices while you are sleeping. Minimum 1 hour before you sleep, turn off all your devices.

It’s a fiction story of 4 main characters.

Characters age-wise

  1. Spellbinder
  2. Billionaire Mr. Riley
  3. Male Artist
  4. Women Entrepreneur

6. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

One-sentence summary of the book “The 7 habits Highly Effective People”: In his book, the author lays out the seven habits of successful people, the seven fundamental principles that enable the most successful and entrepreneurial people to achieve their goals. Used on a daily basis, they will help those who practice them to live a happy, well-balanced and successful life.

The 7 Habits

1: Be proactive

2: Keep the final goal in mind

Personal success

3: Prioritise the priorities


4: Think win-win

Public success

5: Try to understand first and then be understood

6: Synergy


7: Sharpen your skills

7. Atomic Habits: The life-changing million copy bestseller

One-sentence summary of “Atomic Habits”: The majority of people try to change their habits all their lives but fail because they try to change everything at once. Through Atomic Habits, James Clear explains how to break this pattern, highlighting the importance of tiny changes, marginal gains or even 1% improvements, which he encompasses under the term “Atomic Habits”, to allow us to get rid of our bad behavior, develop good ones and finally become the architect of our life.

8. Get Smart!: How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field

“Get Smart” provokes deep thought about how to think. Each chapter goes in detail of comparing two opposite ends of thinking, such as, “Slow Thinking Versus Fast Thinking” and “Flexible Thinking Versus Rigid Thinking,” while advising when to do which.

9. Million Dollar Habits

The Habit Loop consists of the 3R’s: the reminder/cue/trigger, routine, and reward associated with a habit.

When you are strong and positive, you do not back out of challenges. Instead of succumbing to obstacles, you boldly face them and learn from them; this helps you grow.

“Do every act of your life as though it were the last act of your life.” — Marcus Aurelius

True happiness is experiencing true contentment, and a deep and complete sense of peace and fulfillment with who you are, what you do, and what you have done.

To be truly happy, we must build the habit of letting go, which we can do by becoming flexible and adaptable.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” — Jim Rohn

By pairing the right level of awareness, positive action, and glass half-full attitude, you can be sure that you will be in for lasting success because this is exactly what is required to do so.

Without a doubt, I can easily say that anyone who has ever experienced great success in anything is resilient.

To become financially strong and successful, the very first habit you must work on is to invest your effort, energy, time, and money in the right sort of activities and people.

Spend time with successful people and those who positively influence you so you acquire good habits from them and use them to cultivate financial freedom.

Read consistently and slowly reach the point where you can read at least two to three books a week.

Creative visualization is a wonderful practice you should invest your time in because it will pave way for a better present and future. Thinking big is essential to becoming successful.

Write yourself notes that motivate you to become progressive and complete tasks on time.

Ask various rich men and women how they became successful and you will surely find one commonality: killer focus and amazing self-confidence. You cannot fulfill your dreams and become a magnet for wealth, abundance, and success until you work on these two elements.

Another habit you must work on is becoming process oriented. When you are process oriented, you remain focused on your goal without succumbing to overwhelm.

10. Attitude Is Everything

Start building a strong positive belief system by:

1. building a positive attitude — think positive, speak positive

2. having like-minded positive people around

3. ACT in the direction of your goal, take small but concrete steps with a positive mindset.



All Time Best Books
All Time Best Books

Written by All Time Best Books

Am Books Lover i read lot books so i want Suggestion Best Books for All time. The Books are Change your personal Life and Professional and Finance life

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