Best Life Changing Books
One-sentence summary of “Atomic Habits”: The majority of people try to change their habits all their lives but fail because they try to change everything at once. Through Atomic Habits, James Clear explains how to break this pattern, highlighting the importance of tiny changes, marginal gains or even 1% improvements, which he encompasses under the term “Atomic Habits”, to allow us to get rid of our bad behavior, develop good ones and finally become the architect of our life.
2. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying
“It’s not about what to discard, it’s what to keep.”
“Those storage ‘solutions’ are really just prisons within which to bury possessions that spark no joy.”
3. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind is the cache of your memoir, beliefs, life experiences and life traumas.
The book tries to annotate that, how only a mere belief of your subconscious mind posses the power to drastically change you and your life. It explains, how repeating the same prayer every day and night can cure a disease and how the tireless action of the subconscious mind can help you keep all the vital functions of body under good control. Example :breathing. When we sleep, the subconscious is in charge of our breathing and lung function. Right now as you are reading this review your breathing is controlled by the subconscious and not only breathing but also all the other wondrously complex operations of the body. But when we are in a state of anger or when we are anxious our subconscious as well our bodily functions are interfered,thus making us difficult to breathe.
Seeing the title of the book, few might be feeling the book will contain a set of rules or tactics which you can practice or teach yourself to wake up at 5 AM. But it’s not TRUE.
To wake up early, we need to sleep early. Keep yourself away from devices while you are sleeping. Minimum 1 hour before you sleep, turn off all your devices.
It’s a fiction story of 4 main characters.
Characters age-wise
- Spellbinder
- Billionaire Mr. Riley
- Male Artist
- Women Entrepreneur
Start building a strong positive belief system by:
1. building a positive attitude — think positive, speak positive
2. having like-minded positive people around
3. ACT in the direction of your goal, take small but concrete steps with a positive mindset.
Stop going through life, Start growing through life!
So, in this book, Gaur Gopal Das Ji talks about the 4 principles that form the foundation of a happy life. These are Personal life
- Relationships
- Work life
- Social Contribution He talks how to keep them balanced to live a life full of values and happiness.
Feeling low or lost, pick up this book you will end with a different personality and with different perception towards life.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
One sentence summary of “Miracle morning — the 6 habits that will transform your life before 8am”: “Miracle Morning” is a method created by Hal Elrod with the goal of improving every aspect of life; it consists of getting up early every morning, in order to follow a daily routine based on six personal development activities.
Chapter 1: Wake up to your full potential
Chapter 2: The miracle morning origin: born out of desperation
Chapter 3: The 95% reality check
Chapter 4: Why did YOU wake up this morning?
Stop hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock
Chapter 5: The 5-step snooze proof wake up strategy
Chapter 6: The life SAVERS
Six practices guaranteed to save you from a life of unfulfilled potential
It is a wonderful book. Talks to the reader about the importance of identifying their habits in day to day life. The author tells us how big companies follow our patterns and use it to their advantage by putting in front of us something that we might be needing soon. Essentially they start to predict our needs by following our habits.
Just by looking at the table of contents of the book, pasted below, you can get a general idea of what the book is about.
1. The Habit Loop — How Habits Work
2. The Craving Brain — How to Create New Habits
3. The Golden Rule of Habit Change — Why Transformation Occurs
4. Keystone Habits, or The Ballad of Paul O’Neill — Which Habits Matter Most
5. Starbucks and the Habit of Success — When Willpower Becomes Automatic
6. The Power of a Crisis — How Leaders Create Habits Through Accident and Design
7. How Target Knows What You Want Before You Do — When Companies Predict (and manipulate) Habits
8. Saddleback Church and the Montgomery Bus Boycott — How Movements Happen
9. The Neurology of Free Will — Are We Responsible for Our Habits?
10. The Richest Man in Babylon
One-sentence summary of “The Richest Man in Babylon”: Ten tales, in the form of inspiring parables for the modern man, set in the ancient civilisation of Babylon, the historical cradle of finance. They reveal to us the success secrets of the men of ancient times, including simple ways to gain wealth, become debt-free, to follow the path of prosperity for yourself and your family, and to prepare a safety net for your old age.