Best Motivation Books

All Time Best Books
5 min readAug 3, 2020


1. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

2. The Magic of Thinking Big

The Book Provide 4 Valuable Information

1. Be Human

2. Thinking It’s Possible Makes It So

Believing Allows You to See the Routes to Success

“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution pays the way to solution.”

3. Ignore the Haters

Super simple advice, but always smart to remind yourself: If someone is a downer, gossiper, naysayer, or just plain mean, ignore them.

4. One Step At a Time

This story stuck with me.

Schwartz illustrates the point that every big endeavor requires a repetition of small, seemingly simple endeavors, with the following vignette.

3. The Alchemist

Best Quotes of the Book

“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity.”Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

“If someone isn’t what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.”Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

“Love is not to be found in someone else but in ourselves; we simply awaken it. But in order to do that, we need the other person.”Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

“One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.” Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

“You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.” Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

4. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, is the story of a highly sought litigator, Julian Mantle, who turned Monk. His high flying career was put to a halt after a heart failure while he was representing in the court. He was left with two choices — ending his career or ending his life.

Master your mind; Follow your purpose; Practice Kaizen; Live with discipline; Respect your time; Selflessly serve others; Embrace the present; These are the seven timeless virtues of enlightened living.

In summary, I’ll leave you with the closing words of Julian Mantle, “Begin to live each day as if it was your last. Starting today, learn more, laugh more and do what you truly love to do. Do not be denied your destiny. For what lies behind you and what lies in front of you matters little when compared to what lies within you.

5. Believe and Achieve

The Book Explain Following Concepts

  • Law of Belief
  • Law of Expectation
  • Law of Imagination
  • Law of Attraction

6. You can Win

The book will help individuals to:

1) Have confidence by mastering the seven steps to positive thinking

2) Be successful by turning weaknesses into strengths,

3) Gain credibility by doing the right thing for the right reason

4) Take charge by controlling things instead of letting them control you

5) Build trust by developing mutual respect with the people around you

6) Accomplish more by removing the barriers to effectiveness.

7) It helps us to build a successful and rewarding life, and is very motivating.

8) It helps to dispel confusion in day to day life and clarify values

9) It is very optimistic and provide a new way of thinking .

7. How to stop worrying and start living

One sentence summary of “How to stop worrying and start living”: Carnegie’s book is a collection of tested recipes told in a captivating way: relying on the real life experiences of illustrious or unknown individuals and their success,How to stop worrying made an undying impression on me, so much so that at the age of fourteen, I wrote a summary that I carried with me everywhere I went…

8. Don’t sweat the small stuff — Richard Carlson

This book was great. Fast and simple philosophies. Quick easy read without big words that make you feel like am idiot and have to Google the meaning of. Definitely helped me a lot and would recommend this read to anyone! This book really puts things into perspective and makes you realize your bad habits that make your life harder when you didn’t even realize you were doing those things to begin with. The life tips it gives you are all totally doable in any kind of busy persons life. I found myself implementing these ideas one by one day by day and found that i was definitely starting to improve my life and reduce the unnecessary stress in my life on a daily basis. Great read!!

9. Awaken the Giant Within — Anthony Robbins

One-sentence summary of “Awaken the giant within”: To be successful, you have to succeed in mastering your emotions, body, relationships, belief and finance, in other words your whole life, which is what Anthony Robbins puts forward: capture your dreams.

10. The 5 second rule

The 5 Second Rule was developed by Mel Robbins when she was at one of the lowest points of her life. She was 40, in debt, and living paycheck to paycheck. She talks about how she would flinch at going to the grocery store because she didn’t know if her card would even go through for groceries for her family. Her husband had a company that was going through tough times and she was trying to figure out her life with working in media and helping to coach individuals.

11. Smarter, Faster, Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

The Book Explain Following things

1) Writing things down encourages disfluency.

2) You can increase your motivation levels by increasing your internal locus of control.

3) We need to reframe how we think about goal — setting.

4) Be an “innovation broker” by reflecting on your own experiences.

5) Our obsession with productivity can be limiting



All Time Best Books
All Time Best Books

Written by All Time Best Books

Am Books Lover i read lot books so i want Suggestion Best Books for All time. The Books are Change your personal Life and Professional and Finance life

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