Best Self Help Books

All Time Best Books
3 min readJul 15, 2020
  1. How to Talk to Anyone

2. The 48 Laws Of Power

The best and most powerful historical characters involved in the 48 laws of power to show actual practical proof in the use of the 48 laws in history .

3. Slight Edge

One takeaway I had from The Slight Edge is the idea that there’s no such thing as a neutral decision. Every decision takes you in a positive direction, or negative one. Choose wisely.

4. Losing My Virginity

My favorite thing about the book is Branson’s approach to life and business. He’s unique and different than most business leaders. He’s not the Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk type who have exceptional talent in a given skill or area like programming or physics. Rather, he’s a “go-with-the-flow” type guy who always believed in building things and communities that were rich with culture.

5. Mindset — The New Psychology of Success

And basically that is the difference between the mindsets. People who have a fixed mindset about writing for example, will feel that they are terrible, bad, mediocre, good, or excellent. People who have a growth mindset will feel they have a certain level of proficiency at writing but that they can get better with practice and/or education.

6. How to win friends and influence people

One Sentence Summary of “How to win friends and influence people” : To make friends, influence others and get them in our corner, it is important to know how to look after their ego; this happens after an important change in our everyday behavior, which consists of never criticizing, being genuinely interested in others, smiling, remembering the first name of the person we are speaking with, making them feel important, never telling them they are wrong, talking about our own mistakes before talking about theirs, motivating, sincerely complimenting, and generally always looking after their self esteem.

7. Thinking Fast and Slow

Take Away From the Book

Optimism can hurt us. We tend to overestimate favourable, pleasurable outcomes. This also leads to underestimating costs or other unfavourable outcomes.

  1. We’re likely to think those events that we remember more easily, are more likely to happen -> availability bias. Remember this when something is shown in the media. what you see is not all there is.
  2. Prospect Theory: our thinking is biased by an aversion to loss — eliminating the risk of losing is preferable to increasing the risk of winning.
  3. The brain wants to save energy and so often makes quick decisions with System 1 thinking, often laced with emotional reactions. Recognize this, and try to leave your emotions to the side.

8. The power of now

Summary of message:

  1. Time is illusion
  2. Present moment is most powerful
  3. One should get out of the clutches of mind
  4. Happiness and sadness are the illusions created by mind

9. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

One-sentence summary of “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life”: Mark Manson invites us to go beyond the current discourse around self-development, which consists in forcing us to always be the “best” or the “most “, by practicing the subtle art of not giving a fuck, in other words, by stop focusing on things that aren’t essential in our lives.

10. Grit

The Book Explain Following things

  • Coaching
  • Discipline
  • Education
  • Perseverance
  • Psychology
  • Resilience
  • Talent



All Time Best Books

Am Books Lover i read lot books so i want Suggestion Best Books for All time. The Books are Change your personal Life and Professional and Finance life