Best Self Development Books

All Time Best Books
7 min readFeb 6, 2021


1. The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire

The Book Explain Following things

1). Difference between masculine and feminine energies ( Shiva and Shakti ). For a greatly successful intimate relationship there has to be a difference in polarities.

2). Sex is not just a way to release that tension but an ultimate spiritual experience.

3). The gist of the book : Man’s ultimate mission is to find his purpose in life. And that’s how we males are. Things like relationships, kids and everything else matters to us. But nothing is more important to us than finding our true calling.

4). Unless you find your true calling, you won’t be able to freely offer your gifts to this world in the form of infinite compassion and blissfulness.

Cheers to life. Do what you love!!!

2. The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less

One-sentence summary of “The 80/20 Principle — The Secret to Achieving More with Less”: Even though it seems counter-intuitive, The 80/20 Principle (also known as the Pareto Principle), based on a number of analyses, teaches us that 20% of our efforts generate 80% of the positive results in our life and guides us to identify how to do more with less time, less effort and fewer resources, by simply concentrating on the essential.

“We tend to believe that innovation is a difficult thing, but through imaginative use of the 80/20 Principle, innovation becomes both easy and fun! [Extract from The 80/20 Principle]

In life, there are rules that make all the difference between success and failure, between anxiety and personal satisfaction, between happiness and misery. In this book, you will find the rules that will help you to guide your existence in the right direction.

3. How to Stop Worrying & Start Living

One sentence summary of “How to stop worrying and start living”: Carnegie’s book is a collection of tested recipes told in a captivating way: relying on the real life experiences of illustrious or unknown individuals and their success,How to stop worrying made an undying impression on me, so much so that at the age of fourteen, I wrote a summary that I carried with me everywhere I went…

“How to stop worrying” can be compared to its more famous little brother “How to make friends”, which, in my opinion, summarises “How to stop worrying”, or more specifically complements it.

Dale Carnegie begins with a moving introduction — How this book was written and why — in which he explains the circumstances that encouraged him to get out of depression by helping others: a kind of concrete therapy experimented on himself, and then taught to his students. It is composed of nine parts, each containing three to six sections that are very comprehensive, and very lively. Famous figures are quoted along with their extraordinary testimony…

4. Mastery

5. Slight Edge

Surprisingly, the author, Jeff Olson doesn’t spend much time defining the Slight Edge. He gives plenty of examples, but absolutely skimps on the definition. Ergo, what follows is my interpretation. The Slight Edge is having faith that unintimidating positive actions will bring compounded positive effects over time. The Slight in “Slight Edge“ is derived from the belief that what separates winning and losing in life is slight. That is, slightly different choices lead to outsized differences in outcomes over time. The person that chooses to drink water instead of soda with her meals will be more likely to hit her weight-loss goals in a year than a colleague drinking soda (all other things being equal).

If the Slight Edge is right, and you can have an incredible life by consistently taking unintimidating positive actions — why doesn’t everybody have an incredible lifestyle? Answer: easiness, myths, and miscalculations.

6. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

One-sentence summary of the book “The 7 habits Highly Effective People”: In his book, the author lays out the seven habits of successful people, the seven fundamental principles that enable the most successful and entrepreneurial people to achieve their goals. Used on a daily basis, they will help those who practice them to live a happy, well-balanced and successful life.

The 7 Habits

1: Be proactive

2: Keep the final goal in mind

Personal success

3: Prioritise the priorities


4: Think win-win

Public success

5: Try to understand first and then be understood

6: Synergy


7: Sharpen your skills

7. One Small Step Can Change Your Life

The Book in Three Sentences

  1. The art of making great and lasting change comes through small, steady steps.
  2. Kaizen circumvents the brain’s built-in resistance to new behaviors.
  3. Small rewards lead to big returns.

The Five Big Ideas

  1. Kaizen is a process of improving a habit using very small steps.
  2. Small steps can lead to big changes.
  3. Kaizen disarms the brain’s fear response making change come more naturally.
  4. By asking small, gentle questions, we keep the fight-or-flight response in the ‘off’ position.
  5. By taking steps so tiny that they seem trivial or even laughable, you’ll sail calmly past obstacles that have defeated you before.

One Small Step Can Change Your Life Summary

Kaizen has two definitions:

  1. Using very small steps to improve a habit
  2. A process, or product using very small moments to inspire new products and inventions

8. David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants

“The fact of being an underdog can change people in ways that we often fail to appreciate: it can open doors and create opportunities and educate and enlighten and make possible what might otherwise have seemed unthinkable.”

  • Read about a host of Davids defeating their Goliaths through unconventional strategies
  • Understand that you always have a chance at success, no matter the odds
  • Feel uplifted that even the most debilitating, deep-rooted disadvantages can reap rewards
  • Be more aware about how advantages have limits
  • Have your mind opened to the fact that force and oppression rarely works, no matter how much power you wield

9. The Concise 48 Laws Of Power

Because most people are too imprisoned in the moment to plan with this kind of foresight, the ability to ignore immediate dangers and pleasures translates into power. It is the power of being able to overcome the natural human tendency to react to things as they happen, and instead to train oneself to step back, imagining the larger things taking shape beyond one’s immediate vision. Most people believe that they are in fact aware of the future, that they are planning and thinking ahead. They are usually deluded: What they are really doing is succumbing to their desires, to what they want the future to be. Their plans are vague, based on their imaginations rather than their reality. They may believe they are thinking all the way to the end, but they are really only focusing on the happy ending, and deluding themselves by the strength of their desire.

10. Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life

” Only those who remain busy want to become hundred ” — Japanese proverb

”We find our ikigai by concentrating on what is important, rather than what’s urgent. By constantly keeping an eye on what feels good, we are able to discover what our passion is.”- Mundo Urano

The term ”ikigai” is explained in various ways. You can describe it briefly as: the reason why you get out of bed in the morning. It is the reason for your existence. The French might say ”raison d’etre”. The book also links to certain Western therapies (such as logotherapy) and may also be a question, such as: ”why don’t you commit suicide?” That’s a harsh question, but it’s forces you to really think what’s important in life. And right there lies the secret to a long and happy life. In the answer to this question you will find your own ikigai. This is one of the reasons why the inhabitants on the Okinawa island are getting so extremely old. On this Japanese island, there are more centenariansthan anywhere else in the world. Not only are they old, but they are still active and happy, up until a very high age.

11. Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t Hardcover

Good is the enemy of Great’. This is how the author sets off a riveting journey explaining the findings from his and his team’s half a decade of research in the conquest of how to make good companies great. Essentially, ‘Good to Great’ happens very rarely and it is because it is damn difficult. In his research, Jim Collins (the author), has found out systematic phases through which any great company goes through and lays out a framework

  1. Level 5 Leadership (Process stage: Buildup; Phase: Disciplined People)
  2. First who ..then what (Process stage: Buildup; Phase: Disciplined People)
  3. Confront the brutal facts (Process Stage: Buildup; Phase: Disciplined Thought)
  4. The Hedgehog Concept (Process Stage: Buildup; Phase: Disciplined Thought)
  5. Culture of Discipline (Process stage: Breakthrough; Phase: Disciplined Action)
  6. Technology Accelerators (Process stage: Breakthrough; Phase: Disciplined Action)

12. Willpower

You’ll generally hear two answers:
1) The Willpower Instinct, McGonigal
2) Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, Baumeister and Tierney

1) Kelly McGonigal taught a class at Stanford on willpower that became a campus sensation and inspiration for the book. I’ve heard this book describes as “more applicational, less theoretical”. If you’re looking for some immediately actionable advice to snack on in your day-to-day, I’d start with it.

2) Roy F. Baumeister is a widely accoladed sociologist most active at Florida State University. He and many of his grad students are rightly credited with major breakthroughs on the science behind willpower. I’ve heard the book described as “more theoretical, less applicational.” If you’re looking for something to guide you through the underworld of willpower psychology, it’s your best bet. But don’t expect any quick fixes. As it can prove, willpower doesn’t work that way.

13. No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline

No Excuses teaches us that self-discipline is the key to success and gives us practical advice to master it and achieve self-actualization, happy relationships, and financial security.

Here are 3 of Tracy’s lessons on taking control of your life:

  1. To become a high achiever, plan your tasks with The Seven-Step Method and keep learning every day.
  2. Happiness is a by-product of self-discipline and has 5 ingredients.
  3. You can practice taking action despite fear by using the Disaster Report.



All Time Best Books

Am Books Lover i read lot books so i want Suggestion Best Books for All time. The Books are Change your personal Life and Professional and Finance life